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Why a Massage is not a “Luxury”…it's a health tool!

For me, getting a massage used to be a "splurge". One of those things you did for yourself only if you had some extra cash or because you received a gift cerificate for Mother's Day.  

I've had good massages and not so good massages but never really thought about it as anything more than a "treat" for myself. A moment of relaxation in a crazy life.

Massage is actually a great health tool though and the more I read about it the more I want to make it a priority. First of all a massage can reduce stress, which can in turn lower high blood pressure. You might be more stressed out than you even realize. 

Massage can also boost your immune system. This is great because our family has been suffering from some sort of illness all winter long. Swedish massage techniques increase blood flow and push nutrient-rich blood toward the heart. It can increase blood proteins, which help protect your body from infection.

Massage is also great for depression and can have a positive effect on your job performance. Here are more reasons you should book a massage right now- so go for it and feel guilt free…..it's for your health!

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