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It's the most wonderful time of the year to….sleep!

My house has been in chaos lately. We are not getting enough sleep and it's causing issues. It started when school started. My daughter is going to school for a full day for the first time and it is definitely affecting her. She's grumpy and whiney when I pick her up every day. Daylight savings time didn't help…..not only did she get messed up but the dogs have been out of whack as well. And then there's me…..it feels like I have just fallen asleep when the alarm goes off in the morning.

Needless to say I am looking forward to winter for one reason. It's not the snow, the outdoor sports, or the hot chocolate. It's for sleep. A new survey says 42% of people believe Winter is the best season for sleep and I'm hoping they are right! Now the issue is….how do we get there. Check out this article that explains more about why this season is a good season for sleep. To help you get to better sleep, here are also some tips for you and your partner.

  • Share a bedtime. Find a mutual time that works for both of your schedules. If your bedtimes don't match, be considerate of your partner's sleep habits.
  • Go screenless. Keep laptops, phones and work out of the bedroom to create a more relaxing atmosphere.
  • Check your temp. Many couples find they prefer to sleep at different temperatures. One solution is to double-fold blankets so one partner has more coverage to stay warm.
  • Maximize cuddle time with a good mattress. If you're going to spend more time in bed, take a closer look at your current mattress and talk to your partner about his/her comfort during the night.
  • Find ways to relax before bed. In addition to turning off screens, consider other ways to unwind, such as meditating, reading a book or cuddling.

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