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Clearing up the “Organic” confusion

I'm probably like 99.9 percent of other moms in the U.S.- I want to provide healthy food for my family. The problem is sometimes we can go overboard with our worry about what to buy. The latest trend is buying organic. Why do we do this? To try to limit the amount of pesticide residue that ends up in our bodies. Long term effects of pesticides on our health are not well known but some may be carcinogens and others are hormone disrupting chemicals. Yes the total amount of pesticide residues may be below the "upper tolerable level" but it doesn't make them safe according to a registered dietitian.

So when I say we go overboard what I mean is- yes we need to buy organic when it comes to some foods, there is no need to buy something just because it has an organic label. Organic was not a certification developed for nutrition so the bottom line is…..there are some things you want to always buy organic, and others you can skip. A good rule of thumb: if it has a thin skin and you eat it, buy organic. Also it's smart to buy organic dairy products when you can because they have slightly more omega-3 fatty acids which are good for your body and brain.  

To help you figure it out, here is an article with 11 foods you should buy organic and the ones you shouldn't worry about.  Hope this helps clear up the "organic" confusion 🙂

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